
Corporate Governance Guideline

Implementation Of Corporate Governance Guidelines

Corporate governance execution is important to the Company, and can have a direct impact on a country’s economy. The Company is well aware of this, and continues to maintain its commitment to the efective application of corporate governance.

Therefore, The Company is committed to always applying the best governance standards. The Company believes that applying of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) on an ongoing basis, in compliance with statutory standards and regulations will help maintain a balance between the interests of the Shareholders and other Stakeholders.

Good Corporate Governance (“GCG”) within the Company has become an absolutely strong foundation for the Company in conducting its business activities. This is refected in the form of decision-making from the Management level, implementation of operations, and relationship with partners, all these are based on the basic principles of GCG consistently and sustainably.

The implementation of GCG practice is one of the important steps for the Company to increase its added value, encourage professional management of the Company by focusing on the main principles and governance basis on transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence and equity. The goal is to assist the Company in fulflling its obligations to the shareholders, business partners, stakeholders and government.

The Guideline on Open Corporate Governance is set forth in the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) No. 21/ POJK.04/2015 on the Implementation of Public Companies’ Corporate Governance Guidelines and Circular of Financial Services Authority (SEOJK) No. 32/SEOJK.04/2015 related to the Public Companies’ Corporate Governance Guidelines This regulation provides guidance on corporate governance of public listed company which covering fve aspects, eight principles, and 25 recommendations on how to apply the aspects and principles of good corporate governance.